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Food Technology
Advances in food science and technology
Food additives and food quality assurance
Food packaging technology
Principles of the food processing & preservation
Technology of Meat Products
Technology of milk and milk products
SemIII_DW02: Dissertation
DW02 : Dissertation (Execution of proposed research)
Food and Nutrition
Research methods in nutrition
Therapeutic nutrition
Nutrition, wellness and fitness
Nutrition through life span
Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Nutritional biochemistry
Material Science
01. Mathematical tools for materials
P-02. Quantum Mechanics
P-03. Characterization techniques for materials I
P-04. Measurements and Instrumentation
P-05. Ceramics
P-06. Crystallographic Growth
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Food Technology
Advances in food science and technology
Food additives and food quality assurance
Food packaging technology
Principles of the food processing & preservation
Technology of Meat Products
Technology of milk and milk products
SemIII_DW02: Dissertation
DW02 : Dissertation (Execution of proposed research)
Food and Nutrition
Research methods in nutrition
Therapeutic nutrition
Nutrition, wellness and fitness
Nutrition through life span
Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Nutritional biochemistry
Material Science
01. Mathematical tools for materials
P-02. Quantum Mechanics
P-03. Characterization techniques for materials I
P-04. Measurements and Instrumentation
P-05. Ceramics
P-06. Crystallographic Growth
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