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Food and Nutrition
Research methods in nutrition
Therapeutic nutrition
Nutrition, wellness and fitness
Nutrition through life span
Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Nutritional biochemistry
P-01. Quantitative methods I (mathematical methods)
P-02. Quantitative methods II (statistical methods)
P-03. Fundamentals of microeconomic theory
P-04. Basic Macroeconomics
P-05. Advanced microeconomics
P-06. Advanced macroeconomics
Aadunik Hindi Kavita-1
Adhunik kavya-2
Bharatiya kavyashastra
Dalit sahitya
Hindi gadhya sahitya : Katha Sahitya
SemIII_ESE: Elective Specilization Elementary
ESE06B : Social Science Education - II
ESE05B : Mathematics Education - I
ESE04B : Pedagogy of Science Education
ESE03B Curriculum, Practices and Challenges of Language Education
ESE02B : Special Education
ESE01B : Designing and Developing Instructional Material
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Food and Nutrition
Research methods in nutrition
Therapeutic nutrition
Nutrition, wellness and fitness
Nutrition through life span
Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Nutritional biochemistry
P-01. Quantitative methods I (mathematical methods)
P-02. Quantitative methods II (statistical methods)
P-03. Fundamentals of microeconomic theory
P-04. Basic Macroeconomics
P-05. Advanced microeconomics
P-06. Advanced macroeconomics
Aadunik Hindi Kavita-1
Adhunik kavya-2
Bharatiya kavyashastra
Dalit sahitya
Hindi gadhya sahitya : Katha Sahitya
SemIII_ESE: Elective Specilization Elementary
ESE06B : Social Science Education - II
ESE05B : Mathematics Education - I
ESE04B : Pedagogy of Science Education
ESE03B Curriculum, Practices and Challenges of Language Education
ESE02B : Special Education
ESE01B : Designing and Developing Instructional Material
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