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SemII_CC: Common Core
CC07: Teacher Education
CC06: Methodology of Educational Research -II
CC05: Advanced Psychology and Human Development
Environmental Sciences
Analytical chemistry
Atmospheric processes
Biodiversity and conservation
Ecosystem structures & functions
Energy and Environment
Environmental chemistry copy 1
SemII_VV: Viva Voce
VV02 : Comprehensive Viva Voce
Centre for English Studies
African & Caribbean Writing in English
Indian Literary Criticism and Theory
Literary Translation in India
‘New’ Literatures in English
American Literature
Canadian, Australian and South Pacific Literature in English
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SemII_CC: Common Core
CC07: Teacher Education
CC06: Methodology of Educational Research -II
CC05: Advanced Psychology and Human Development
Environmental Sciences
Analytical chemistry
Atmospheric processes
Biodiversity and conservation
Ecosystem structures & functions
Energy and Environment
Environmental chemistry copy 1
SemII_VV: Viva Voce
VV02 : Comprehensive Viva Voce
Centre for English Studies
African & Caribbean Writing in English
Indian Literary Criticism and Theory
Literary Translation in India
‘New’ Literatures in English
American Literature
Canadian, Australian and South Pacific Literature in English
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