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Material Science
01. Mathematical tools for materials
P-02. Quantum Mechanics
P-03. Characterization techniques for materials I
P-04. Measurements and Instrumentation
P-05. Ceramics
P-06. Crystallographic Growth
SemII_SCE: Specilization Common Core Elementary
SCE01: ECCE and Elementary Education Core-I
SemII_ESS: Elective Specilization Secondary
ESS06A : Social Science Education-I
ESS05A : Foundation of Mathematics Education
ESS04A : Basics of Science Education
ESS03A : Foundations of Language
ESS02A : Education of Children with Diverse Needs-I
ESS01A: Introduction to Educational Technology
Analytical Chemistry
Atomic spectroscopy
Chromatographic techniques
Environmental analysis
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry
Pharmaceutical & biological analysis
Surface Analytical Chemistry-I
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Material Science
01. Mathematical tools for materials
P-02. Quantum Mechanics
P-03. Characterization techniques for materials I
P-04. Measurements and Instrumentation
P-05. Ceramics
P-06. Crystallographic Growth
SemII_SCE: Specilization Common Core Elementary
SCE01: ECCE and Elementary Education Core-I
SemII_ESS: Elective Specilization Secondary
ESS06A : Social Science Education-I
ESS05A : Foundation of Mathematics Education
ESS04A : Basics of Science Education
ESS03A : Foundations of Language
ESS02A : Education of Children with Diverse Needs-I
ESS01A: Introduction to Educational Technology
Analytical Chemistry
Atomic spectroscopy
Chromatographic techniques
Environmental analysis
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry
Pharmaceutical & biological analysis
Surface Analytical Chemistry-I
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