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SemI_CC: Common Core
CC03: Educational and Curriculum Studies
CC04: Methodology of Educational Research-I
CC02: Sociology of Education
CC01: Philosophy of Education
SemIII_VV: Viva Voce
VV03 : Comprehensive Viva Voce
SemIV_OT: Other Optional
OT01G : Value and Peace Education
OT01F : Educational Administration and Leadership
OT01E : Democratic Education
OT01D : Comparative Education
OT01C : Human Rights and Legal Education
OT01B : Environmental Education
Applications of molecular symmetry and group theory
Bio-organic and bio-physical chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Environmental chemistry
Inorganic chemistry-I (stereochemistry, metal-ligand equilibria and reaction mechanism of transition metal complexes)
Inorganic chemistry-II (metal-ligand bonding , electronic spectra and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes)
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SemI_CC: Common Core
CC03: Educational and Curriculum Studies
CC04: Methodology of Educational Research-I
CC02: Sociology of Education
CC01: Philosophy of Education
SemIII_VV: Viva Voce
VV03 : Comprehensive Viva Voce
SemIV_OT: Other Optional
OT01G : Value and Peace Education
OT01F : Educational Administration and Leadership
OT01E : Democratic Education
OT01D : Comparative Education
OT01C : Human Rights and Legal Education
OT01B : Environmental Education
Applications of molecular symmetry and group theory
Bio-organic and bio-physical chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Environmental chemistry
Inorganic chemistry-I (stereochemistry, metal-ligand equilibria and reaction mechanism of transition metal complexes)
Inorganic chemistry-II (metal-ligand bonding , electronic spectra and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes)
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