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SemII_SCS: Specilization Common Core Secondary
SCS01: Secondary and Higher Secondary Edu. Core-I
Aadunik Hindi Kavita-1
Adhunik kavya-2
Bharatiya kavyashastra
Dalit sahitya
Hindi gadhya sahitya : Katha Sahitya
SemIII_EPC: Enhancement of Professional Competency
EPC02 : Academic Writing
Semester IV
Modernism and Beyond (Core)
Critical Theory for English Studies (Core)
Translation Studies (Opt.)
Literature in the Language Classroom (Opt.)
Trauma and Literature (Opt.)
Digital Cultures (Opt.)
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SemII_SCS: Specilization Common Core Secondary
SCS01: Secondary and Higher Secondary Edu. Core-I
Aadunik Hindi Kavita-1
Adhunik kavya-2
Bharatiya kavyashastra
Dalit sahitya
Hindi gadhya sahitya : Katha Sahitya
SemIII_EPC: Enhancement of Professional Competency
EPC02 : Academic Writing
Semester IV
Modernism and Beyond (Core)
Critical Theory for English Studies (Core)
Translation Studies (Opt.)
Literature in the Language Classroom (Opt.)
Trauma and Literature (Opt.)
Digital Cultures (Opt.)
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