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SemII_CC: Common Core
CC07: Teacher Education
CC06: Methodology of Educational Research -II
CC05: Advanced Psychology and Human Development
SemIII_SCS: Specilization Common Core Secondary
SCS02 : Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Core - II
Comparative Study of Religions
Religion and health
Mythological traditions
Religion and art
Religion and healing
Sociology of religion
Biochemical techniques
Biostatistics and bioinformatics
Introductory selected aspects in microbial, plant and animal biochemistry
Lipid metabolism
Metabolism of carbohydrates
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SemII_CC: Common Core
CC07: Teacher Education
CC06: Methodology of Educational Research -II
CC05: Advanced Psychology and Human Development
SemIII_SCS: Specilization Common Core Secondary
SCS02 : Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Core - II
Comparative Study of Religions
Religion and health
Mythological traditions
Religion and art
Religion and healing
Sociology of religion
Biochemical techniques
Biostatistics and bioinformatics
Introductory selected aspects in microbial, plant and animal biochemistry
Lipid metabolism
Metabolism of carbohydrates
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