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Comparative Study of Religions
Religion and health
Mythological traditions
Religion and art
Religion and healing
Sociology of religion
Material Science
01. Mathematical tools for materials
P-02. Quantum Mechanics
P-03. Characterization techniques for materials I
P-04. Measurements and Instrumentation
P-05. Ceramics
P-06. Crystallographic Growth
SemI_Viva Voce
VV01: Comprehensive Viva Voce
School of Education
Multidisciplinary Teacher Education
Workshop on Learning Management System
Educational Technology
Ancient Indian Philosophies
Educational Administration Management & Leadership in School Education
Historical, Political and Economic Perspective of Education
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Comparative Study of Religions
Religion and health
Mythological traditions
Religion and art
Religion and healing
Sociology of religion
Material Science
01. Mathematical tools for materials
P-02. Quantum Mechanics
P-03. Characterization techniques for materials I
P-04. Measurements and Instrumentation
P-05. Ceramics
P-06. Crystallographic Growth
SemI_Viva Voce
VV01: Comprehensive Viva Voce
School of Education
Multidisciplinary Teacher Education
Workshop on Learning Management System
Educational Technology
Ancient Indian Philosophies
Educational Administration Management & Leadership in School Education
Historical, Political and Economic Perspective of Education
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