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SemII_SCE: Specilization Common Core Elementary
SCE01: ECCE and Elementary Education Core-I
Tourism Chinese
Chinese Literature (1919 - 1949)
Chinese society and culture
Introduction to Modern Chinese
IS01 : Internship in schools
Food and Nutrition
Research methods in nutrition
Therapeutic nutrition
Nutrition, wellness and fitness
Nutrition through life span
Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Nutritional biochemistry
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SemII_SCE: Specilization Common Core Elementary
SCE01: ECCE and Elementary Education Core-I
Tourism Chinese
Chinese Literature (1919 - 1949)
Chinese society and culture
Introduction to Modern Chinese
IS01 : Internship in schools
Food and Nutrition
Research methods in nutrition
Therapeutic nutrition
Nutrition, wellness and fitness
Nutrition through life span
Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Nutritional biochemistry
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