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Semester I
Project Work- I
Theory and Practice of Women's Writing (Opt.)
Life Writing (Opt.)
Graphic Narrative (Opt.)
Social Movements and Literature (Opt.)
Introduction to Linguistics (Opt)
Environmental Sciences
Analytical chemistry
Atmospheric processes
Biodiversity and conservation
Ecosystem structures & functions
Energy and Environment
Environmental chemistry copy 1
Applications of molecular symmetry and group theory
Bio-organic and bio-physical chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Environmental chemistry
Inorganic chemistry-I (stereochemistry, metal-ligand equilibria and reaction mechanism of transition metal complexes)
Inorganic chemistry-II (metal-ligand bonding , electronic spectra and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes)
Semester II
Multiculturalism and Canadian Literary Imagination (Opt.)
Project Work-II
Traditions of Republicanism: Ideas, Practices, and Institution (Opt.)
Visual Culture (Opt.)
Nation and Literature (Opt.)
Introduction to ELT (Opt.)
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Semester I
Project Work- I
Theory and Practice of Women's Writing (Opt.)
Life Writing (Opt.)
Graphic Narrative (Opt.)
Social Movements and Literature (Opt.)
Introduction to Linguistics (Opt)
Environmental Sciences
Analytical chemistry
Atmospheric processes
Biodiversity and conservation
Ecosystem structures & functions
Energy and Environment
Environmental chemistry copy 1
Applications of molecular symmetry and group theory
Bio-organic and bio-physical chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Environmental chemistry
Inorganic chemistry-I (stereochemistry, metal-ligand equilibria and reaction mechanism of transition metal complexes)
Inorganic chemistry-II (metal-ligand bonding , electronic spectra and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes)
Semester II
Multiculturalism and Canadian Literary Imagination (Opt.)
Project Work-II
Traditions of Republicanism: Ideas, Practices, and Institution (Opt.)
Visual Culture (Opt.)
Nation and Literature (Opt.)
Introduction to ELT (Opt.)
Course categories:
Analytical Chemistry
Comparative Study of Religions
School of Education
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.)
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester I
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester I / SemI_CC: Common Core
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester I / SemI_EPC: Enhancement of Professional Competency EPC
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester I / SemI_Viva Voce
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II / SemII_CC: Common Core
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II / SemII_SCE: Specilization Common Core Elementary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II / SemII_SCS: Specilization Common Core Secondary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II / SemII_ESE: Elective Specilization Elementary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II / SemII_ESS: Elective Specilization Secondary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II / SemII_IS:Internship
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II / SemII_DW01: Dissertation
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester II / SemII_VV: Viva Voce
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_CC: Common Core
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_SCE: Specilization Common Core Elementary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_SCS: Specilization Common Core Secondary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_ESE: Elective Specilization Elementary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_ESS: Elective Specilization Secondary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_EPC: Enhancement of Professional Competency
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_IS: Internship
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_DW02: Dissertation
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester III / SemIII_VV: Viva Voce
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester IV
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester IV / SemIV_ESE: Elective Specilization Elementary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester IV / SemIV_ESS: Elective Specilization Secondary
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester IV / SemIV_EPC: Enhancement of Professional Competency
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester IV / SemIV_RC: Research Competency
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester IV / SemIV_DW03: Dissertation
School of Education / Master of Education (M.Ed.) / Semester IV / SemIV_OT: Other Optional
School of Education / Ph.D. in Education
School of Education / Ph.D. in Education / Semester I (Course Work)
School of Education / Ph.D. in Education / Semester II (Course Work)
School of Education / Ph.D. in Education / Semester III (Research Progress)
School of Education / Ph.D. in Education / Semester IV(Research Progress)
School of Education / Ph.D. in Education / Semester V (Research Progress)
School of Education / Ph.D. in Education / Semester VI (Research Progress)
School of Education / NET/ NET- JRF Tutorial
Centre for English Studies
Centre for English Studies / M.A. English
Centre for English Studies / M.A. English / Semester I
Centre for English Studies / M.A. English / Semester II
Centre for English Studies / M.A. English / Semester III
Centre for English Studies / M.A. English / Semester IV
Centre for English Studies / Ph.D. English
Environmental Sciences
Food Technology
Library and Information Science
Library and Information Science / MLib
Library and Information Science / MLib / Sem-1
Library and Information Science / MLib / Sem-3
Library and Information Science / MLib / Sem-2
Library and Information Science / MLib / Sem -4
Library and Information Science / Phd
Material Science
Political Science
Social Work
Food and Nutrition
School of National Security Studies (SNSS)
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS)
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS) / M.A. in Defence and Strategic Studies (School Level Programme)
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS) / M.A. in Defence and Strategic Studies (School Level Programme) / Semester- I
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS) / M.A. in Defence and Strategic Studies (School Level Programme) / Semester- II
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS) / M.A. in Defence and Strategic Studies (School Level Programme) / Semester- III
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS) / M.A. in Defence and Strategic Studies (School Level Programme) / Semester- IV
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS) / Ph.D. in Security Studies
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS) / Ph.D. in Security Studies / Course Work-I (Monsoon Sem)
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Security Studies (CSS) / Ph.D. in Security Studies / Course Work-II (Winter Sem)
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Maritime Security (CMS)
School of National Security Studies (SNSS) / Centre for Strategic Technologies (CST)
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